Securing access to ssh port using systemd cgroup




Recently, I’ve set up a self hosted webspace on a simple set top box pc. It has been running great so far. The only problems I encountered that sometimes the wi-fi dongle failed to come up after a reboot and a replug of the usb wi-fi is required. With this situation, the self hosted webspace cannot have a near 100 percent uptime guarantee.

So, I have decided to rent a small virtual machine to move stuff I host to the cloud. The cloud has all the advantages to host my stuffs compared to my self hosted single board pc did before.

My experience

After completing the order of my cloud vps and getting shell access, the first thing I do is enabling public key authentication and disabling root login. I generated a new ed25519 ssh key for use with the cloud virtual machine and copied the public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/cloudvps-sg.key
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/cloudvps-sg.key root@cloudvps_sg

Afterwards, I logged in to the server, creating a user with sudo right to perform my daily activity on the cloud virtual machine.

USERNAME=writer # Replace $USERNAME with the desired username
useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G users,sudo,adm,systemd-journal $USERNAME
passwd $USERNAME
tar -cf - .ssh | sudo -u "$USERNAME" tar -C /home/$USERNAME -xf -

With the steps above, I can log in for ssh access using my newly created user and use sudo for administrative tasks such as updating the system or rebooting the virtual machine.

For more paranoid set up, I cleared the root password and locked the root account so it is not possible to log in with it.

passwd -d -l root

With this setup, the root account password is cleared and the root account is not available for login. If at anytime I need a root shell, I can obtain the root shell using sudo.

sudo -i

So no more root login on my cloud vps now.

The problems encountered

After leaving the cloud virtual machine up for several minutes, I viewed the system log to find if there are suspicious activity.


Of course, the internet is so hostile with many attempts from several ip addresses scanning for open ports and attempting to log in using different credentials. As for now, the failed attempts of ssh login has occupied ±3.8 MB of disk space.

So I researched options to limit failed ssh access log to secure the system from malicious attackers.

The first, I installed ufw and setting up a simple rule to limit ssh.

sudo apt install ufw
sudo ufw limit ssh
sudo ufw enable

With this setup, the firewall is working and access to ssh port will be monitored by the linux packet filtering framework. But it doesn’t stop the ssh port from being attacked.

VPN to the rescue

Finally, I found that the simplest I can do is by setting up a virtual point-to-point network interface and limiting ssh access only from the virtual network interface.

I ended up with two tunnels set up inside my virtual private server.

With this set up, I can activate the vpn and log in to the cloud server after the vpn has been activated using the private ip address on the vpn link.

Enter the systemd cgroup

After confirming that the vpn links, both the tailscale and wireguard vpns, are reliable, I decided to close the ssh port from the internet. There are many ways to achieve this feat, but I settled to the systemd way to block access to the ssh port before the packet hits sshd service.

I edited the openssh service unit. On Debian, the service name is ssh.service. If you follow this guide, replace ssh.service with the openssh service name of your linux distribution.

sudo systemctl edit ssh.service

I added the following content on the systemd-provided text editor.

IPAddressAllow=localhost fd42:42:42::/64 fd64:64:64ef::/64

If you are following this guide, be sure to write the ip addresses range according to your ip address configuration. Also, the order of IPAddressAllow and IPAddressDeny is important. The IPAddressAllow has to be placed before IPAddressDeny, otherwise you will lock yourself out of your own system and have to resort to physical or console access to recover the system.

The edited file will be saved as /etc/systemd/system/ssh.service.d/override.conf on Debian system, since the openssh server’s name is ssh.service.

Make sure that the vpn link is reliable before reloading systemd and ssh.service.

Since I have confirmed that my vpn setup is quite reliable, I reloaded the systemd and ssh.service.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reload ssh.service

With this, the ssh.service is reloaded but still using the old slice. To move ssh.service to the newly defined slice, a service restart is needed.

sudo systemctl restart ssh.service

The slice can be inspected via systemctl.

systemctl --type slice
systemctl status openssh.slice

Testing that the newly created systemd cgroup is active

With the steps above, the ssh port is hidden from the internet. You can confirm this state by trying to ssh into the internet facing ip address of the system or by scanning for ssh public key via ssh-keyscan. #Replace with the public ip or ipv6 of the system
ssh-keyscan "$MY_IP"

If the ssh scan fails with timeout, then the newly created rule is working.


Despite the controversy around systemd, I found that systemd is actually very useful. Especially with cgroup, since each service can be monitored or even limited to a feature. There are many possible use of systemd cgroup and the process mentioned here is one of those possibilities.

Feel free to explore more possibilities of systemd cgroups.

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